Thursday, December 21, 2006

Miss Racine to Attend the Blood Center of Wisconsin's Holiday from the Heart Blood Drive

Britani Madala, Miss Racine, will be greeting donors at the sixth annual Holiday from the Heart blood drive on Friday, December 29, from 11am-1pm. Miss Milwaukee ,Janel Mayer, will be greeting as well. The drive is being held in the Peck Welcome Center at the Milwaukee County Zoo, 10001 W. Bluemound Rd.
Blood Center's goal is to see over 500 donors and collect over 400 pints of blood at the Holiday from the Heart drive. All attempting donors will recieve free parking and admission to the Milwaukee County Zoo on the day of the drive. In addition, they will be given a voucher good for one admission during a future visit to the zoo.Anyone who is at least 17 years old, weighs a minimum of 110 pounds, and is generally good health can donate blood. The entire process takes about an hour and all blood types are needed. Donors should bring a photo ID.
Blood Center of Wisconsin is the sole supplier of blood and blood products to 55 Wisconsin hospitals in 28 counties. It is commited to advancing patient care by delivering life-saving solutions grounded in unparalleled medical and scientific expertise.
Please contact Britani if you need any other information at OR contact Crytsal McNeal from the Blood Center of Wisconsin at (414)937-6124


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