Thursday, October 12, 2006

The money has been sent!

Today, I sent a letter to the Blood Center of Wisconsin which talked about the 1st Annual Run/Walk. We sent all of the money raised as well. A HUGE thank you to everyone once again who participated in or supported the Be a Hero:Run for Awareness event. You are a livesaver!

P.S. If you are having problems viewing the slideshow beneath, click on the box area of where the slideshow should be and it should appear. If you are still having problems please email me at



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a job well done.
I'm sure the Blood Center will truly appreciate the generosity of all those who walked for awareness & the money donations collected.
Hopefully with this donation, it will help work towards new medical break throughs for patients in need of blood!
Keep up the good work & blessings to you for promoting such a "lifesaving" cause.

Anonymous said...

it is so nice to see someone so young put so much pride and love into something that touches so many of us. thank you for caring

Anonymous said...

What a great job !! As always, I am extremely proud of you !! You are such a blessing to so many !! Rock-On at the Miss Racine pageant !! Our city would be blessed in a huge way to have you be the ambassador in the year 2007 !!

Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to see a young woman that cares about making the lives of others better, one large step for Racine and Wisconsin and a small step for the world. Start small and achieve big! Miss Racine, Miss Wisconsin, Miss America ! Good Luck Britani ! God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! Your website is great and I enjoy looking at it and learning more about the Blood Center. Your personal stories help make people understand why this is so important to you. You are doing a wonderful job!