Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Finally! Here is the Picture of Trevon, Kayla, and Kayla's Brother

I apologize that it took me so long to post this picture from the Blood Center of Wisconsin's Recoginition Event. I would like you to meet Kalya and Trevon who both have sickle cell anemia. Kayla is 4-years-old, and Trevon is in 6th grade. Both children are full of life, and it was a pleasure to get to know them as well as their families. Kayla and Trevon both recieve blood frequently, and are very appreciative for the people they know as heroes. Thank you to all of the people who help to make a difference, nomatter what the way, through the Blood Center of Wisconsin. Kayla and Trevon are just two people who are living proof that blood donation matters!

(From Left to Right: Kayla's brother, me, Kayla, and Trevon. Sorry that the picture is blurry)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Blood Drive in Mid-November!!

I wanted to make you all aware that I will be helping out the company Iris, which is located in Pleasant Prarie, Wisconsin. They will be holding a blood drive in mid-November and have asked me to spread the word about the drive (as well as the importance of blood donation), and to help out at the blood drive itself. If you would like more information on how you can help make a difference in the lives of others, please email me at
I will post a specific date a.s.a.p.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The money has been sent!

Today, I sent a letter to the Blood Center of Wisconsin which talked about the 1st Annual Run/Walk. We sent all of the money raised as well. A HUGE thank you to everyone once again who participated in or supported the Be a Hero:Run for Awareness event. You are a livesaver!

P.S. If you are having problems viewing the slideshow beneath, click on the box area of where the slideshow should be and it should appear. If you are still having problems please email me at